Education, Support & Therapy Hub

Where Neurodiverse Minds Are Nurtured to Flourish

Assessments, education, therapy, mentoring and coaching to nurture and support a life with autism, ADHD and other neurodevelopmental conditions.

Education, Support & Therapy Hub

Where Neurodiverse Minds Are Nurtured to Flourish

Assessments, education, therapy, mentoring and coaching to nurture and support a life with autism, ADHD and other neurodevelopmental conditions.

Consider This

According to the World Health Organisation, globally, 1 in 100 children are Autistic, representing between 1% and 2% of the population. In the UK, approximately 700,000 people are diagnosed with Autism, and it is more common for boys to be diagnosed than girls. Delays and long waiting times for diagnosis, followed by inadequate or ineffective support, will likely cause our children significant barriers to their development.

If You're the Parent

  • who wakes up daily, yearning for just one more hour's sleep

  • who feels like they've tried every conceivable 'fix' under the sun

  • who understands that neurodiversity doesn't need fixing but that difficulties associated with it can be positively addressed

  • who wants to see their child FLOURISH into an incredibly fulfilled and independent individual with the RIGHT guidance, support and resources

This is the right place for you because we walk a similar path to yours

We Understand You

At Puzzle Tree Academy, all our trainers, educators, and therapists have personal and/or long-term professional experience in Neurodiversity.

The majority of our trainers have children with neurodiversity or are Neurodiverse themselves. So, from deep practical experience, we know all the difficulties you may face on the way to sustainable progression.

Bring the Colour Back into Your Life

Neurodiversity is like a Spectrum of Colours! However, sometimes, it may feel like life has lost its colour. Sometimes, we might be urged to dim our own or even our children’s colours to feel safe.

Even when we wandered in the dark, thinking if we could survive, we found the strength, determination, and courage to keep going, and we want to achieve the same for you.

From personal experience, we know that raising a child on the spectrum is a unique and demanding journey physically, financially, and emotionally.

Your child's condition may not be visible, and despite the best intentions, even members of your own family struggle to understand their unique situation.

Puzzle Tree Academy provides practical and effective initiatives to facilitate healthy child development and bring colours back into your lives.

Our Holistic Approach

  • At Puzzle Tree Academy, we take a holistic approach with our nourishing personal growth philosophy and mindset.

  • We find the gaps in your skillset and support systems through individualised assessments so we can provide effective solutions, mentoring, advocacy, education & resources.

  • Together with you, we address what needs to be addressed: developmental gaps, sleep issues, diet, nutrition or gut health, sensory or emotional regulation, support network or other essential aspects of healthy growth and development.

  • From education to in-home assistance — you'll receive consolidated support with Puzzle Tree Academy!

Cynitta Joshua, mother of 4 year old Rhea with ASD.

Your programme has so many benefits.

• I learned the importance of 'ME TIME'

• I found the provided materials very useful

• The WhatsApp group was an amazing way to share, clarify & support each other while staying motivated

• I am more aware of my emotions, actions & thoughts

• My child is also responding & behaving much better

• My husband is more open to listening and connecting with me

• With a better sleep routine for Rhea, my husband & I get at least 1-2 hours every night to unwind and relax

Life's hard, but it doesn't have to be

We KNOW how hard your life can be, and often is. We've been where you are now and walked in your shoes.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. There is a better way!

Whatever your budget, we have positive solutions to help you make life feel light again.

Why Choose Us

I'm Olga Pavlova, the founder of Puzzle Tree Academy. We provide holistic, implementable, creative, sustainable, and positive solutions that'll help you and your lovely family grow and flourish with neurodiversity.

Your Path to a Flourished Life with Neurodiversity Parenting

1. Assess

Knowing your child’s unique needs, strengths, abilities, and skill gaps in light of your personal and family circumstances will allow you to find the shortest way to support them effectively.

2. Establish

Establishing and improving your knowledge base about your child and neurodiversity will lead to strengthening your personal authority and boundaries for your child and when working with other professionals who are meant to help your child.

3. Integrate

Once you have clarity and knowledge on what needs to be adjusted to create an environment for sustainable development and well-being for your child, take action with confidence and keep moving forward one step at a time.

“ If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten ”

— Tony Robbins

Explore Our Services

How We Can Help

Book your free Orientation Meeting and let’s talk about your child's needs to figure out what to do next.


Help your child grow with our detailed assessments: from identifying specific developmental needs to restoring biochemical balance we give you a personal plan for visible results.



Transform your neurodiversity parenting journey with our expert-led NeuroNurturing courses, tailored to empower you with practical tools and insights for lasting change.



Join a nurturing space for understanding, guidance, and solidarity, with a network of like-minded parents and experts dedicated to empowering neurodiverse families.



Whether you're a parent navigating the complexities of neurodiversity, a family seeking balance and understanding, or an individual in transition, our expert coaches are here to empower you.


How We Can Help

Take an assessment

Help your child grow with our detailed assessments: from identifying specific developmental needs to restoring biochemical balance we give you a personal plan for visible results.

Enroll in a Course

Transform your neurodiversity parenting journey with our expert-led NeuroNurturing courses, tailored to empower you with practical tools and insights for lasting change.

Join the community

Join a nurturing space for understanding, guidance, and solidarity, with a network of like-minded parents and experts dedicated to empowering neurodiverse families.

Free Guide

The 3 Reasons Why Everything You've Tried to Help Your Child With Autism Hasn't Worked and How to Fix it

Download our experience-based guide.

Free virtual meet-up

Imagine Finding a Real Support Network and Solutions That Work!

Join our free monthly virtual meet-ups for parents of children with Autism, ADHD or other Neurodevelopmental conditions to connect with other parents and gain expert advice.

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