Join the Wisdom Training

From Obstacles to Opportunities: Emotions-Brain-Body Balance

July 17th 2024

10:00 BST or 11:00 CET

Discover expert-led neuro-movement techniques to enhance your child's emotional and cognitive development.

What's Included

  • 60-Minute Training Session: Tailored for parents and individuals to delve deeper into neurodiversity topics, gaining practical understanding and tools for real-life situations.

  • Live Q&A session: A dedicated time to address specific questions and discuss application strategies.

  • Access to the Facebook NeuroNurturing Support Group: Join our community for ongoing support and engaging discussions.

  • Downloadable Handouts: Specially designed to aid in learning and retention of the material.

  • Interactive Zoom Meetings: Conducted via Zoom to facilitate interactive screen sharing and detailed discussions.

  • Recording Access: Availability of session recordings within two working days after the live event.

“It was such a great experience, what an amazing team! And what an amazing training you have put together!”

“Such valuable information, it would have taken me a few lifetimes to research all this myself!”

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