Niki McGlynn

Qualified Neuro-development Therapist,

Licensed ADHD Coach & RMTi Trainer

Niki McGlynn is a dedicated Neurodevelopment Therapist and ADHD Coach with over 20 years of experience working with individuals who are neurodivergent, including those with ADHD and Autism.

Her passion for this field isn't just professional—it's deeply personal. As a neurodivergent person and the parent of two neurodivergent children, Niki understands the challenges from the inside out.

Niki's journey as a Neurodiversity Therapist began with the desire to find effective solutions for her family.

Witnessing her children's struggles and experiencing her own challenges firsthand, she realised the immense potential of movement-based therapies.

This realisation led her to become a licensed Rhythmic Movement Training International (RMTi) trainer.

She teaches Rhythmic Movement in combination with other modalities that offer practical, simple, and accessible movement techniques that integrate retained primitive reflexes, enhancing focus, concentration, and emotional regulation.

Niki combines her extensive experience and expertise in various modalities, including ADHD, RMTi, Reflexology, Homeopathy, Trauma Therapy, and other therapies.

As Niki says:

“The great things about a neurodevelopment movement programme is that they don’t take long to do, they are fun, and they can allow a great opportunity to bond. Oh, and they really, really work!”

As a therapist, trainer, and public speaker, she is passionate about improving understanding of neurodiversity in the workplace and supporting people with ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and anxiety.

Her mission is to empower others by sharing effective strategies that can make a significant difference in their lives.

“Meeting Niki has changed our life.

My son, who was struggling with acute anxiety after a brain infection, instantly bonded with her. She reassured him, worked at his pace, and used a great sense of humour. The movements were easy and a wonderful bonding time for us.

His recovery exceeded our hopes—he came off all meds and returned to school with confidence after two years out. Even my sceptical husband witnessed the undeniable transformation. This has changed our lives.”

-A mother of a boy

“I attended Movement Training with Niki.

I learnt so much about reflex development, integration and what happens when things don’t work as they should.

Not only can I incorporate this work for my clients but also for myself. What an amazing course, that has far-reaching benefits for everyone.

I would thoroughly recommend that everybody should understand this work.”

-B. Gornall

Autism Experts Who Will Support You Every Step of the Way

FOUNDER, Olga Pavlova

Autism Mama, Educator & Coach

I'm Olga Pavlova, a mom of four amazing kids. One of my children is on the Autism Spectrum (previously nonverbal, with a global developmental delay, coordination issues, and irregular sleep patterns), and another has ADHD. Raising unique children led me to dedicate my life to supporting families like ours. With over 16 years of hands-on experience and a deep understanding of the challenges we face, I'm here to be your guide and friend.

Dr Irina Schurov

Nutritional Neuroscientist, Therapist & Autism Coach

I'm Dr. Irina Schurov, a Nutritional Neuroscientist and Autism Coach,
committed to enhancing family health and wellbeing through proven strategies. With a PhD from Cambridge University and over two decades of experience, I assist your child with special needs by examining how their diet affects brain health. I provide personal coaching and utilize the latest research to make your family stronger and healthier. Let's work together to improve the health of the mind, body, and spirit, paving the way for a future full of opportunity and joy.

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The 3 Reasons Why Everything You've Tried to Help Your Child With Autism Hasn't Worked and How to Fix it

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