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7 Root Causes Wisdom



Discover and remove the most important causes holding you and your child back.

Parenting neurodiverse children is an incredibly rewarding and challenging experience at the same time. It can often be difficult to manage or understand their behaviour. Your child may experience meltdowns and engage in self-injury, tantrums, aggression, disruptiveness, property destruction, noncompliance, and socially unacceptable behaviours.

Without understanding the root cause of these symptoms, addressing them is very difficult.

Do you find yourself and your child caught in a cycle of neurodiversity-related struggles? It's time to break free and transform your lives. We have tips and strategies to help you do it.

What You'll Learn:

  • How can you identify and tackle the underlying reasons behind the challenges associated with Autism, ADHD, ADD, Dyspraxia, ODD, and PDA

  • Why Root Causes Matter

  • How to Transform Your Child's Development Journey

  • What holistic methods can help your child start to develop, communicate effectively, and succeed through education

  • What activities can you do with your child at home to positively impact neurodiversity

  • What stimuli does your child need, and how can you avoid over and under-stimulation

  • How can you nourish your child’s emotions

  • How to maximise success for both you and your neurodiverse child with the right habits

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Kind Words

What Parents Say

About Our Trainings

“It was such a great experience, what an amazing team! And what an amazing training you have put together!”

“What a wonderful training, ladies – so comprehensive!”

“Such valuable information, it would have taken me a few lifetimes to research all this myself!”

“This is by far the best neurodiversity training I've ever been on.”

What's Included

with All Micro-classes

  • 30-minute Training Session tailored for parents and individuals exploring this topic of significance for the well-being of neurodiverse individuals.

  • 15-minute Q&A Session to address specific questions and discuss application strategies.

  • Access to the Facebook NeuroNurturing Support Group for ongoing support and to post questions.

  • Downloadable Handouts are designed to aid in learning and retention of information.

  • Conducted via Zoom for interactive screen sharing and detailed discussions.

  • Access to a Call Recording within two working days after the live event.

What's Included

with All Master-classes

  • 60-minute Training Session tailored for parents and individuals to delve deeper into neurodiversity topics, gaining practical understanding and tools for real-life situations.

  • 15-minute Q&A Session to address specific questions and discuss application strategies.

  • Access to the Facebook NeuroNurturing Support Group for ongoing support and to post questions.

  • Downloadable Handouts are designed to aid in learning and retention of information.

  • Conducted via Zoom for interactive screen sharing and detailed discussions.

  • Access to a Call Recording within two working days after the live event.

What You Want to Know


Who are these classes suitable for?

Parents of neurodiverse children, neurodiverse individuals, and professionals interested in advancing their understanding of neurodiversity beyond basic awareness.

Do I need any specific knowledge or expertise beforehand?

These trainings are designed to build upon your current knowledge and understanding. Micro-classes are suitable for those starting to explore specific topics in neurodiversity understanding, while Masterclasses delve deeper into practical application and mastery.

Can I get a recording?

Yes, the recording will be emailed to participants within two working days.

Can I submit my questions if I cannot attend the live training?

You can submit questions via the registration form before the training. Alternatively, if you have questions afterwards or have purchased a recording of previous training, you'll gain access to our closed NeuroNurturing Support Group, where you can submit further questions related to the training.

How are your trainings different from other Neurodiversity training out there?

We're committed to providing practical solutions backed by science and experience tailored to real-life situations. Our trainers possess extensive professional and/or personal experience, ensuring valuable and impactful training experiences.

What if I'm unsure if my issue or problem suits these trainings?

Feel free to contact us through the contact form or book a Discovery Call to discuss your specific situation. Based on your level of need and experience with neurodiversity, we’ll help you find the best support and training.

Free Guide

The 3 Reasons Why Everything You've Tried to Help Your Child With Autism Hasn't Worked and How to Fix it

Download our experience-based guide.

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Join our free monthly virtual meet-ups for parents of children with Autism, ADHD or other Neurodevelopmental conditions to connect with other parents and gain expert advice.

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