Neurodiversity Wisdom Training

7 Root Causes of Neurodiversity Challenges

June 19th 2024

10:00 BST or 11:00 CET

Discover and  remove the most important causes holding you and your child back.

Led by leading Neurodiversity Specialists,

Irina Schurov & Olga Pavlova

Parenting neurodiverse children is an incredibly rewarding and challenging experience at the same time. It can often be difficult to manage or understand their behaviour.

Your child may experience meltdowns and engage in self-injury, tantrums, aggression, disruptiveness, property destruction, noncompliance, and socially unacceptable behaviours.

Without understanding the root cause of these symptoms, addressing them is very difficult.

Do you find yourself and your child caught in a cycle of neurodiversity-related struggles? It's time to break free and transform your lives. We have tips and strategies to help you do it.

What You'll Learn

How can you identify and tackle the underlying reasons behind the challenges associated with Autism, ADHD, ADD, Dyspraxia, ODD, and PDA

Our comprehensive, holistic approach makes it possible to identify and achieve peaceful, fulfilling, and consistent child development in a sustainable way.

Why Root Causes Matter

Understanding and addressing the root causes is crucial for optimal development. Many children with neurodiversity do not experience meltdowns, poor emotional control, sleep difficulties, or speech delays. By pinpointing the root causes, you can help your child overcome these limiting conditions to thrive and lead a smoother, more fulfilling life.

How to Transform Your Child's Development Journey

Unlock the potential within your child by addressing the root causes of their struggles. Join us and embark on a journey towards a brighter, more balanced future for you and your child.

What holistic methods can help your child start to develop, communicate effectively, and succeed through education

Discover a balanced nutritional approach that will boost your child’s development and learn precisely what we mean by healthy food.

You will also understand which food types negatively affect the immune system and deplete the body of crucial minerals and vital nourishment, widening the gap between what your child needs and what they are receiving to keep growing.

Learn how you can start addressing your child's eating challenges and preferences.

What activities can you do with your child at home to positively impact neurodiversity

Did you know that different activities can have positive and negative impacts on your child? Sometimes, they can cause more agitation and quickly become toxic or overwhelming.

Sometimes, it can simply be the "right" activity at the "wrong" time. So, at the training, you will discover what kinds of activities are "nourishing" and needed for your neurodiverse child.

What stimuli does your child need, and how can you avoid over and under-stimulation

The wrong type of stimulation can be devastating for some children. Additionally, the more challenges a child faces, the more this topic needs to be addressed sensibly.

So, during the training, you will learn how to determine which stimuli to observe and what changes to make.

How can you nourish your child’s emotions

You will learn practical tips and techniques for releasing emotional dysregulations and outbursts and restoring balance to your child’s body and mind.

How to maximise success for both you and your neurodiverse child with the right habits

You will discover routines that can help you avoid stress and establish clear expectations and boundaries for your child, reducing anxiety and transitioning challenges.

What You'll Learn

How can you identify and tackle the underlying reasons behind the challenges associated with Autism, ADHD, ADD, Dyspraxia, ODD, and PDA.

Our comprehensive, holistic approach makes it possible to identify and achieve peaceful, fulfilling, and consistent child development in a sustainable way.

Why Root Causes Matter.

Understanding and addressing the root causes is crucial for optimal development. Many children with neurodiversity do not experience meltdowns, poor emotional control, sleep difficulties, or speech delays. By pinpointing the root causes, you can help your child overcome these limiting conditions to thrive and lead a smoother, more fulfilling life.

How to Transform Your Child's Development Journey.

Unlock the potential within your child by addressing the root causes of their struggles. Join us and embark on a journey towards a brighter, more balanced future for you and your child.

What holistic methods can help your child start to develop, communicate effectively, and succeed through education.

Discover a balanced nutritional approach that will boost your child’s development and learn precisely what we mean by healthy food. You will also understand which food types negatively affect the immune system and deplete the body of crucial minerals and vital nourishment, widening the gap between what your child needs and what they are receiving to keep growing. Learn how you can start addressing your child's eating challenges and preferences.

What activities can you do with your child at home to positively impact neurodiversity.

Did you know that different activities can have positive and negative impacts on your child? Sometimes, they can cause more agitation and quickly become toxic or overwhelming. Sometimes, it can simply be the “right” activity at the “wrong” time. So, at the training, you will discover what kinds of activities are “nourishing” and needed for your neurodiverse child.

What stimuli does your child need, and how can you avoid over and under-stimulation.

The wrong type of stimulation can be devastating for some children. Additionally, the more challenges a child faces, the more this topic needs to be addressed sensibly. So, during the training, you will learn how to determine which stimuli to observe and what changes to make.

How can you nourish your child’s emotions.

You will learn practical tips and techniques for releasing emotional dysregulations and outbursts and restoring balance to your child’s body and mind.

How to maximise success for both you and your neurodiverse child with the right habits.

You will discover routines that can help you avoid stress and establish clear expectations and boundaries for your child, reducing anxiety and transitioning challenges.

What's Included

60-Minute Interactive Training Session: Aimed at delving deeper into neurodiversity topics, providing practical understanding and tools for real-life situations.

Live Q&A session:
A dedicated time to address specific questions and discuss application strategies.

Access to the Facebook NeuroNurturing Support Group: Join our community for ongoing support and engaging discussions.

Downloadable handouts: Specially designed to aid in learning and retention of the material.

Interactive Zoom: Conducted Live via Zoom to facilitate interactive screen sharing and detailed discussions.

Recording Access: Availability of session recordings within two working days after the live event.

About the Speakers

Olga Pavlova

Founder of Puzzle Tree Academy, Autism & ADHD Mama, Neurodiversity Educational Therapist, Coach and Mentor

Blending personal and professional insights, she has firsthand experience in managing neurodiversity—both as an individual with dyslexia and as a mother of three children with complex neurodevelopmental conditions, including Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, global developmental delays, and associated social and behavioural challenges.

With over 16 years of professional experience, she has managed SEN childcare provisions for children aged six months to 12 years.

She has extensively mentored and coached parents and educators of SEN children.

Her specialization includes Behavior Management, Crisis Support, Transitioning, In-Depth NeuroNurturing, and implementing PAGS and TEACCH assessment and profiling (TTAP) with comprehensive support.

Olga Pavlova

Founder of Puzzle Tree Academy, Autism & ADHD Mama, Neurodiversity Educational Therapist, Coach and Mentor

Irina Schurov

Nutritional Neuroscientist, Therapist & Autism Coach

Irina is a Nutritional Neuroscientist, GAPS practitioner, a Nutrigenomics Tester/Interpreter, and a Certified Nutritional Therapist (IINH) with a PhD from Cambridge University (UK), and over 20 years of experience in science and health-providing services.

She helps individuals with nutrition & wellbeing strategies through personalized coaching in nutrition so they can achieve the optimal balance between diet, health & life while building an educational platform around healthy eating habits & restoring the relationships between people & food.

Her focus is on children with ASD and related neurological conditions. She helps detoxify, nourish, and reset a whole-body biochemical balance by addressing the connection between gut and brain.


“We are happy with the in-depth assessment, which we done with Puzzle Tree Academy. It gave us an in-depth understanding of George's needs and a clear plan of what can be our next steps to improve George's and family life. Highly recommended.”

-TERRY M, Father of 7-year-old boy with Autism

“This programme is about receiving comprehensive practical information from someone who really knows their topics well.”

-Mother of twins – one with ADHD and OCD and the other with ODD and conduct disorder

“This is our Bible now! I feel like I found a real family.”

-Mother of a 15-year-old girl with anxiety, speech delay & social integration problems

“ I'm really grateful for the Fundamentals Training I've been attending this week! It's been amazing, packed with so many useful tips that you can start using right away. I believe anyone in the training will find something to help improve their child's bedtime routine and sleep quality, without needing any medicine. Good sleep is crucial for us and our children, allowing us to live happier, healthier lives.

I can't wait for the next session to learn even more. A huge thank you to Puzzle Tree Academy for their work with Neurodiverse children and their families. This training is truly life-changing, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone dealing with sleep issues.”

-JANA S, mum of a 10-year-old boy with autism, UK

Ready to take the next step? Enrol now and make a difference in your child's life.

Kind Words

What Parents Say

About Our Trainings

“It was such a great experience, what an amazing team! And what an amazing training you have put together!”

“What a wonderful training, ladies – so comprehensive!”

“Such valuable information, it would have taken me a few lifetimes to research all this myself!”

“This is by far the best neurodiversity training I've ever been on.”

Autism Experts Who Will Support You Every Step of the Way

FOUNDER, Olga Pavlova

Autism Mama, Educator & Coach

I'm Olga Pavlova, a mom of four amazing kids. One of my children is on the Autism Spectrum (previously nonverbal, with a global developmental delay, coordination issues, and irregular sleep patterns), and another has ADHD. Raising unique children led me to dedicate my life to supporting families like ours. With over 16 years of hands-on experience and a deep understanding of the challenges we face, I'm here to be your guide and friend.

Dr Irina Schurov

Nutritional Neuroscientist, Therapist & Autism Coach

I'm Dr. Irina Schurov, a Nutritional Neuroscientist and Autism Coach,
committed to enhancing family health and wellbeing through proven strategies. With a PhD from Cambridge University and over two decades of experience, I assist your child with special needs by examining how their diet affects brain health. I provide personal coaching and utilize the latest research to make your family stronger and healthier. Let's work together to improve the health of the mind, body, and spirit, paving the way for a future full of opportunity and joy.

What You Want to Know


Who are these classes suitable for?

Parents of neurodiverse children, neurodiverse individuals, and professionals interested in advancing their understanding of neurodiversity beyond basic awareness.

Do I need any specific knowledge or expertise beforehand?

These trainings are designed to build upon your current knowledge and understanding. Micro-classes are suitable for those starting to explore specific topics in neurodiversity understanding, while Masterclasses delve deeper into practical application and mastery.

Can I get a recording?

Yes, the recording will be emailed to participants within two working days.

Can I submit my questions if I cannot attend the live training?

You can submit questions via the registration form before the training. Alternatively, if you have questions afterwards or have purchased a recording of previous training, you'll gain access to our closed NeuroNurturing Support Group, where you can submit further questions related to the training.

How are your trainings different from other Neurodiversity training out there?

We're committed to providing practical solutions backed by science and experience tailored to real-life situations. Our trainers possess extensive professional and/or personal experience, ensuring valuable and impactful training experiences.

What if I'm unsure if my issue or problem suits these trainings?

Feel free to contact us through the contact form or book a Discovery Call to discuss your specific situation. Based on your level of need and experience with neurodiversity, we’ll help you find the best support and training.

Our training focuses on the most challenging symptoms of your child's neurodiversity, offering practical and effective solutions. Gain the wisdom and tools to support your child's development and well-being.

Ready to take the next step? Enrol now and make a difference in your child's life.

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