Neurodiversity Wisdom Training

From Obstacles to Opportunities: Emotions-Brain-Body Balance

July 17th 2024

10:00 BST or 11:00 CET

Empower your child with Neuro-Movement techniques for balanced emotional and cognitive development.

Led by Niki McGlynn

Qualified Neurodevelopment Therapist and Licensed ADHD Coach & RMTi Trainer,

Want to understand what is SLOWING OR HOLDING your child's emotional and cognitive development? Ready to see your child overcome those blocks and start flourishing?

You've probably said to yourself, "I've tried so many things, but nothing seems to stick. It's frustrating and heart-wrenching to see my child struggle so much."

You feel exhausted and emotionally drained. You see your child struggling and not sure how to help? The constant worry about your child’s future weighs heavily on you. There's a mix of frustration, hope, and determination. You desperately want to see your child happy, confident, and thriving, but the road to get there seems unclear and daunting.

“Am I doing enough? What am I missing?” you wonder, night after night.

You worry about your child's social acceptance, academic progress, and long-term independence.

The effort required to perform simple tasks like tying shoes or holding a pencil is immense. Despite modifying home environments and engaging in activities to improve motor skills, progress feels painstakingly slow.

The emotional rollercoaster includes frustration, empathy, guilt, and sometimes a feeling of hopelessness.

Imagine a Future Where Your Child Excels

Now, let's pause and imagine a different reality.

  • Picture your child mastering daily tasks like tying their shoes, brushing their teeth, and eating independently, with newfound coordination and ease.

  • Imagine your child enjoying extracurricular activities like sports or music, where they can shine and develop their talents without the limitations of their motor challenges.

  • Visualise meaningful conversations where your child expresses themselves clearly and confidently, overcoming speech and language challenges

  • See your child participating in group activities at school with ease, their improved focus and organisational skills will help them complete homework independently.

  • Envision your child learning to ride a bike or play a musical instrument, activities they previously found challenging.

Together, you enjoy outings where your child can fully participate, like playing in the park or taking family hikes.

An Eye-Opening Fact

Movement Can Transform Your Child’s Life

Here's something that might surprise you.

Did you know that simple, enjoyable movements can be the key to unlocking your child's full-brain-body potential?

Recognised neurodiversity difficulties associated with retained primitive reflexes can manifest as emotional challenges, developmental delays, and learning difficulties that may include anxiety, motor skills delays, coordination and attention issues. However, movement-based therapies can significantly mitigate these challenges.

Specific movement-based therapies can integrate primitive reflexes. Activities such as rhythmic movements, balance exercises, and certain types of physical play can help mature the nervous system and integrate these reflexes, improving overall coordination and cognitive function.

These movements can transform how your child learns, plays, and interacts with the world, making life easier and more enjoyable for everyone involved. The best part is that you can start integrating these reflexes at home in short, enjoyable activities that feel like games and allow you to have that extra parent-child bonding time that feels good to both your child and you.

Would you like to learn more about how these therapies can specifically benefit your child and integrate primitive reflexes effectively?

So, what if there was a way to make this transformation a reality?

Introducing Neurodiversity Wisdom Training that focuses on integrating movement-based techniques to enhance brain-body integration.

This strategy addresses the core challenges of neurodevelopmental conditions by facilitating the integration of primitive reflexes. As a result, it improves thinking, emotional control, physical skills, sensory processing, socialising, and sleeping habits. This holistic approach addresses the root causes of these challenges and effectively empowers you with practical strategies to support your child’s growth and development.

Let’s break it down

Here is what you’ll learn

Throughout this training, you will:

  • Understand how retained developmental gaps affect brain-body integration and manifest into emotional or developmental challenges associated with conditions like Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and PDA.

  • Learn the role of retained primitive reflexes and their impact on developmental gaps.

  • Gain in-depth exploration of primitive reflexes and their influence on neurodivergence.

  • Explore simple yet powerful movement-based techniques to integrate retained reflexes, enhancing your child's learning and emotional well-being.

  • Take practical strategies to improve reflexes through daily activities, turning everyday moments into developmental opportunities.

  • Explore targeted movements that are specifically designed to enhance emotional regulation and attention.

  • Gain an understanding of how to address anxiety and meltdowns with practical, actionable strategies.

  • Establish clarity in creating a supportive environment that facilitates developmental success.

What's Included

60-Minute Interactive Training Session: Aimed at delving deeper into neurodiversity topics, providing practical understanding and tools for real-life situations.

Live Q&A session:
A dedicated time to address specific questions and discuss application strategies.

Access to the Facebook NeuroNurturing Support Group: Join our community for ongoing support and engaging discussions.

Downloadable handouts: Specially designed to aid in learning and retention of the material.

Interactive Zoom: Conducted Live via Zoom to facilitate interactive screen sharing and detailed discussions.

Recording Access: Availability of session recordings within two working days after the live event.

Attend live to have your specific questions answered

At Puzzle Tree Academy, we pride ourselves on delivering training that goes beyond awareness. We aim to provide actionable, applicable, and effective science-backed solutions you can implement immediately after the training.

Many parents report seeing results within just a few days, with dramatic improvements often observed within two weeks of implementing our recommended strategies.

If you've been struggling for years, don't wait any longer. Join our training today!

About the Speaker

Niki McGlynn

Qualified Neurodevelopment Therapist, Licensed ADHD Coach & RMTi Trainer

Niki McGlynn is a dedicated Neurodevelopment Therapist and ADHD Coach with over 20 years of experience working with individuals who are neurodivergent, including those with ADHD and Autism.

Her passion for this field isn't just professional—it's deeply personal. As a neurodivergent person and the parent of two neurodivergent children, Niki understands the challenges from the inside out.

Niki's journey as a Neurodiversity Therapist began with the desire to find effective solutions for her family. Witnessing her children's struggles  and experiencing her own challenges firsthand, she realised the immense potential of movement-based therapies.

This realisation led her to become a licensed Rhythmic Movement Training International (RMTi) trainer. She teaches Rhythmic Movement in combination with other modalities that offer practical, simple, and accessible movement techniques that integrate retained primitive reflexes, enhancing focus, concentration, and emotional regulation.

Niki McGlynn

Qualified Neuro-development Therapist, Licensed ADHD Coach & RMTi Trainer

About the Facilitator

Olga Pavlova

Founder of Puzzle Tree Academy, Autism & ADHD Mama, Neurodiversity Educational Therapist, Coach and Mentor

Blending personal and professional insights, she has firsthand experience in managing neurodiversity—both as an individual with dyslexia and as a mother of three children with complex neurodevelopmental conditions, including Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, global developmental delays, and associated social and behavioural challenges.

With over 16 years of professional experience, she has managed SEN childcare provisions for children aged six months to 12 years.

She has extensively mentored and coached parents and educators of SEN children.

Her specialization includes Behavior Management, Crisis Support, Transitioning, In-Depth NeuroNurturing, and implementing PAGS and TEACCH assessment and profiling (TTAP) with comprehensive support.

Olga Pavlova

Founder of Puzzle Tree Academy, Autism & ADHD Mama, Neurodiversity Educational Therapist, Coach and Mentor


“Meeting Niki has changed our life.

My son, who was struggling with acute anxiety after a brain infection, instantly bonded with her. She reassured him, worked at his pace, and used a great sense of humour. The movements were easy and a wonderful bonding time for us.

His recovery exceeded our hopes—he came off all meds and returned to school with confidence after two years out. Even my sceptical husband witnessed the undeniable transformation. This has changed our lives.”

-A mother of a boy

“I attended Movement Training with Niki.

I learnt so much about reflex development, integration and what happens when things don’t work as they should.

Not only can I incorporate this work for my clients but also for myself. What an amazing course, that has far-reaching benefits for everyone.

I would thoroughly recommend that everybody should understand this work.”

-B. Gornall

Transform Your Child’s Future Today

Imagine a future where your child excels in daily activities, thrives in social settings, and enjoys a happier, more confident life. The journey to this brighter future begins with a single step. By enrolling in this Neurodiversity Wisdom Training, you'll gain practical, science-backed techniques to integrate primitive reflexes, improve emotional regulation, and create a supportive environment for your child’s developmental success.

Kind Words

What Parents Say

About Our Trainings

“It was such a great experience, what an amazing team! And what an amazing training you have put together!”

“What a wonderful training, ladies – so comprehensive!”

“Such valuable information, it would have taken me a few lifetimes to research all this myself!”

“This is by far the best neurodiversity training I've ever been on.”

Autism Experts Who Will Support You Every Step of the Way

FOUNDER, Olga Pavlova

Autism Mama, Educator & Coach

I'm Olga Pavlova, a mom of four amazing kids. One of my children is on the Autism Spectrum (previously nonverbal, with a global developmental delay, coordination issues, and irregular sleep patterns), and another has ADHD. Raising unique children led me to dedicate my life to supporting families like ours. With over 16 years of hands-on experience and a deep understanding of the challenges we face, I'm here to be your guide and friend.

Dr Irina Schurov

Nutritional Neuroscientist, Therapist & Autism Coach

I'm Dr. Irina Schurov, a Nutritional Neuroscientist and Autism Coach,
committed to enhancing family health and wellbeing through proven strategies. With a PhD from Cambridge University and over two decades of experience, I assist your child with special needs by examining how their diet affects brain health. I provide personal coaching and utilize the latest research to make your family stronger and healthier. Let's work together to improve the health of the mind, body, and spirit, paving the way for a future full of opportunity and joy.

What You Want to Know


Who are these classes suitable for?

Parents of neurodiverse children, individuals, and professionals interested in advancing their understanding of neurodiversity beyond basic awareness.

Do I need any specific knowledge or expertise beforehand?

These trainings are designed to build upon your current knowledge and understanding. Foundational Training suits those starting to explore specific topics in neurodiversity understanding, while Wisdom Training delves deeper into practical application and mastery.

Can I get a recording?

Yes, the recording will be emailed to participants within two working days.

Can I submit my questions if I cannot attend the live training?

You can submit questions via the registration form before the training. Alternatively, suppose you have questions afterwards or have purchased a recording of previous training. In that case, you'll gain access to our closed NeuroNurturing Support Group, where you can submit further questions related to the training.

How is your training different from other Neurodiversity training out there?

We're committed to providing practical solutions backed by science and experience tailored to real-life situations. Our trainers possess extensive professional and personal experience, ensuring valuable and impactful training experiences.

What if I'm unsure if my issue or problem suits these training sessions?

Feel free to contact us through the contact form or book a Discovery Call to discuss your specific situation. Based on your level of need and experience with neurodiversity, we'll help you find the best support and training.

Our training focuses on the most challenging symptoms of your child's neurodiversity, offering practical and effective solutions. Gain the wisdom and tools to support your child's development and well-being.

Ready to take the next step? Enrol now and make a difference in your child's life.

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